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Meet Matthew Sims

Program Staff

Matthew's criminal life began at an abnormally young age, and he became a convicted felon by age 13. Juvenile detention drove him deeper into the world of addiction and crime. He joined the military in an attempt to gain some structure but remained out of control; resulting in military prison and a dishonorable discharge. Matthew's life dissolved into chaos with multiple failed marriages, gang affiliation, and a cycle of prisons and jails. He recognized it was time to change, and took the bold step of writing to The Other Side Academy to ask for help.

Matthew began his stay at TOSA with great struggle as he refused to believe in the process. He continued behaving the only way he knew how before realizing the community would always, without fail, see right through him. Through his transformation, he has learned to use his influence and experience to help others. Among the many accomplishments of his stay at The Academy, Matthew helped build the #1 rated moving company in the state, and automotive/fleet care program, and a hair salon for men - all of which he now manages. Additionally, he operates graduate housing, postgraduate activities and maintains a strong focus on interviewing potential students and mentoring them upon arrival. He is thrilled about his promotion to Staff and eager to use his many years of knowledge as a student to help others reach their full potential and give hope to the hopeless.

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